Friday, May 20, 2016

Blog Post #6 Class Evaluation

When I was signing up for classes my sophomore year, I couldn't wait to put AP psychology as one of my first choices. My sister told me that the class was so fun and she had a great time with Ms. Halfen, and it definitely lived up to my standards. All of the fun projects and videos that we watched throughout the year actually kept me interested in his class. I liked the teacher-student interactive lessons because it really helped me understand concepts much better than I would have if the teacher was just lecturing. My favorite activity/project is hands down trying on the glasses that messed up your vision. It was such a cool experience to see how reliant you are on your eyes to do daily activities. I knew everyone else liked it, too because many people were talking about it for a long time. Although this class was informing and well as entertaining, I could'nt help but dread all of the vocabulary. Now, I understand that this is an AP course and you should have to do a lot of work, but I felt the weekly vocabulary was keeping me from actually studying for the class. Next year, I think you should leave out some of the power points and try different methods of teaching. I enjoyed the kahoot a and I actually remembered the information better because I felt so compelled to listen and understand the information. In addition, I feel like you should do something weekly that your students will look forward to. For example you could do personality tests at the beginning of class every Monday to avoid the Monday blues. I do like having the 1-2 tests because it allows the students to focus more on studying for the AP. For students taking AP psychology next yea, I would suggest to avoid procrastinating and really try to understand all of the information because it can be a very interesting class if you just set your mind to it.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Blog Post #5 Psychology Memes

Social Loafing -

Authoritarian parenting -

Womb envy -

Hindsight Bias -

Retroactive Interference -

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Blog Post #4 Psychotic Love

Your brain when you're in love is almost the equivalent to your brain on drugs. Now, before I go any further I want to make it clear that this could relate to only some people. I know that every relationship is different, however I find the one I am about to talk about most interesting. For many, when you are in love, you never know what you are going to say to do. Many believe that love is just an idea, and yes it is. With that being said, this "small idea" that people may have can cause the individual to experience a wide range of emotions and feelings. Love can be shown in many different ways and forms across the nation. This universal sign of love makes everyone a little psychotic, too. Whether you are in love with another person or a TV show or an object, you'll do anything to get a fix of it. Like drugs, it causes so many people to become delusional and crazy, making it seem like the only other thing or person in the world is them. In addition, when the relationship is broken, it can have the same effect as breaking a bad drug habit. Going through withdraw when on drugs is very similar to going through grief when breaking up with someone very close to you.

In the end, however, this shows that everyone is a little psychotic in their own ways, they just need to find the thing to push them off the edge, whether it be fatal substances or a long life partner.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Blog Post #3 How Good Is Your Memory?

Number Memory Test
Going into this quiz, I thought I was going to do pretty bad, but it turns out that I am quite good with numbers. Coming from experience, I do tend to memorize peoples' phone numbers very easily. I ended up getting a score of 10 on the quiz. As I went along with the questions, I realized that they were getting progressively longer, yet I always ended up finding a way to memorize the long numbers. I would make the numbers into a song that I like or by just saying it over and over out loud until I got it. I don't believe this test is very valid, however, because there are many different factors that could change results, such as noise in the background or just the amount of people you are around when you take this. 

Memory Test Questionnaire
I feel like this quiz is a very inaccurate one. There was only 7 questions that they asked and I feel like they can't get a goof range of my memory by just using the descriptions, "sometimes" "never" and "rarely". I ended up scoring a 66 out of 100, and it said that I have fairly good memory, but I have the occasional memory lapse. Although I felt like it was quite inaccurate, they had some good points. They said I tended to use mnemonic devices, which I do often use to study. All in all, the quiz was a short, inconclusive questionnaire of my memory.  

Common Cents Test
This test was only one question, however, it was actually an interesting concept. I never really looked at what a penny looked at up close. I definitely knew that President Lincoln was faced towards the right and I knew that the penny had the year and another word on it. Although it didn't give me any results, I had a fun time trying to figure  out which penny was the real one because I feel like it's an everyday object that no one really looks at for a long time and looks at the features of the small coin. It said many people have a hard time finding the real one, so I didn't feel too bad about getting the answer wrong in the end.

Short Term Memory Test
In this memory test, I was given 12 words to memorize and then I had to recite as many as I could afterwards. I ended up scoring 7 words out of 12 and I hate to admit it but I was proud of myself. I thought I was only going to get like 5 words. I was pretty distracted while taking this, though, because I was watching Friends on Netflix and I couldn't help but focus on the show just a little more than the quiz but can you blame me? I actually think this is a good test to see how well your short term memory because you only see these words for a small amount of time and then afterwards you can forget about them and not worry about it.

Facial Memorization
I was given the task to memorize a face made up of jumbled features and then try to build the face later on. I was so surprised because, just like the other test, I was watching a show and was very distracted, however I ended up getting 7 facial features correct. I think that I am pretty good at recognizing the small features of people's faces because I tend to be detail-oriented. I can't help but notice everyone's small freckles and birth marks. This test just further showed me how well I can recognize peoples' facial features.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Blog Post #2 Politics and Personality

Political Personality Quiz 
As a result of the quiz, it said that I would most likely believe in a small government. It mentioned that I would want a government that keeps order but can still give the people our freedom and stay out of the way in certain situations. I feel like this is accurate because I really don't like when the government gets involved in situations where we have the right to speak our mind. For example, when someone wants to protest against a certain rule and the police get involved it creates chaos. Once violence starts emerging, that's when everything starts going corrupt and everyone blames it on the government. This test did not change my views on today's candidates because I feel strong about my beliefs.

Political Compass Quiz
According to my results, I most closely relate to Gandhi. Gandhi believed in the supreme value of the individual and I feel like I do too. Although I feel like there needs to be a government in order to keep the sanity and well-being of the society, I focus more on mental health and how the human mind works in different situations. Gandhi is considered a "liberal leftist" which is basically a form of liberalism that focuses on support and freedom for everybody. I was shocked at these results because it was actually quite accurate considering the amount of questions they asked. This test, also did not seem to change any of my opinions on the candidates for this election.

Political Typology Quiz
My results for this quiz stated that my best fit is faith and family. This sort of ties into the results of my other quizzes because of my love for a society based on the people. The results state that I fall into a group of racially diverse people that have different views but have the same big picture idea, This quiz gave me a better understanding on what views I have about the world and how it is managed. This was a great learning experience, however it still did not change my views on the political candidates this year.

I Side With Quiz
I have to say, I am completely shocked at my results. I never really watched the political debates or the campaigns, but my results say that my views match up mostly with Donald Trump. I thought for sure I would get Bernie Sanders, but he came in a very close second. I guess Donald Trump has some reliable political views other than the ones that he is infamously known for. This surprisingly still doesn't change my view on trump, however. I just feel that he gets all this social media attention and the other candidates are left actually trying to get followers through actually debating real topics.
Post #1 IQ Test Results
Although the IQ test was supposed to be a learning experience, I found this test to be disappointing and just a little inaccurate. I know that this test was most likely made by professionals, however some of the questions seemed close to impossible. In addition to that, I took the test in a noisy environment with people constantly talking, so I kept getting distracted. I scored a 100, and I was quite disappointed in myself. I thought that I got most of the questions right, but I guess it turns out that I was too confident going into this. I don't want this test to determine the rest of my future because I know that I am an average student that can understand and comprehend topics once they are taught to me.

To summarize this article, it states that the older sibling in the family is smarter and/or has a higher intelligence compared to the others. There are many factors, though, that contribute to the different IQ's of the children such as economic stability in the household or social class. If one family has access to tutors and more classes for their children, then they will have a better advantage of getting a better education. Birth order is also said to affect IQ because the first born child may be more loved than the other children and may have more opportunities to achieve greater success, however I don't agree with this. I even feel as though the younger children are the ones that get the most attention, but every family is different.